Bhaaratham e-media
is formed to bring innovation and transformation in electronic media industry
and Malaysian Indians.To establish its vision Bhaaratham is set to travel in a
new dimension soon.
For a start we will be introducing a new segment entitled
“Hi-tea with Leaders” which will be conducting interviews with the Malaysian
Indian leaders from various organizations.
Currently there are a large number of leaders in the
country. Previously only leaders from political parties who hold the key posts
will be considered as leaders. But the trend has changed. Representatives from
school organizations, temples, NGOs are too recognized as leaders.
To change the perception that the medias would only
prefer the leaders hold key position, Bhaaratham plans to introduce this new
column to create space for those who wish to serve the people in their own way.
This segment will include national political arena,
economy, Indian community transformation plan and related fields.
We are pleased to inform that the segment will not only
focus on the opinions of key post holders but spread its wings to ‘ followers’
who are keen to serve the community. This segment will recognize the efforts of
all who serve the community.
Editor in Chief,
Bhaaratham e-media
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